A survey of Londoners, on the street or in other public venues, seen in transit or waiting, alert to the world surrounding them. These are black + white images made in 1999, with a particular focus on three areas: Brixton, the City of London and Lewisham. The portraits were improvised quickly, on the spot and momentary. More recently, each image has undergone a transformation, with varying degrees of digital re-vision, including assertive additions of color and, in certain instances, erasure. The slow and careful digital interventions are intended to bring into focus an engagement between subject, setting and camera.






Londoners on the street or in other public venues, seen in transit or waiting, alert to the world surrounding them. The black + white images were made in 1999, with a particular focus on Brixton, the City of London area, and the maternity wing of the then-new Women’s and Children’s division of Lewisham Hospital in southeast London. The portraits were improvised quickly, on the spot, momentary interactions. The process has more recently involved re-vision, the images undergoing varying degrees of digital revision, including assertive additions of color and occasional erasure. The interventions are meant to further focus the engagement between subject, setting and camera.