Politics at ground level, through words and images.
Shooting an Elephant 2012 | HD color | 15:00
Right-wing authoritarianism hangs in the air as the words, faces and public spectacles of the Tea Party illuminate the absurdity, mania and incoherent rage that define the movement. More about Shooting an Elephant
Memory Leak 2009 | HD color | 20:00
A meditation on the waning days of a decade from hell, loosely built around a verbal duel between Bernie Sanders and Alan Greenspan. More about Memory Leak
Camp Diaries 2008 | B&W video | 14:30
A merging of two World War II archives: U.S. Government anti-Japanese-American propaganda materials, and Dorothea Lange’s jarring, elegiac images of internment camps. More about Camp Diaries
Using recovered, now-distressed video I shot as a college freshman in 1972, prominent journalists are interviewed just before Richard Nixon’s re-election, discussing how a corrupt, lawless President could be heading towards a landslide victory despite the burgeoning Watergate scandal. More about Cold Sweat
Galvanized 2012 | HD Color | 5:00
Kingdom-minded Christ-followers gather in peaceful protest in Charlotte, NC in 2012 on the eve of the Democratic National Convention. More about Galvanized
Wartime, USA 2006 | Color video | 20:00
An examination of Americans in a time of war, revealing a passive and pliable culture of consumption who’s participants are only too willing to loo the other way. More about Wartime, USA