this particular planet
2014 | HD Color | 14:15
Amid a film layered with sound, the voice of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and the Church of Scientology, is at the center. A fabulist spinner of science fiction and deeply paranoid diatribes, Hubbard paints a vivid picture of things that cannot be seen, and in his rambling discourse he sketches out a metaphysical relationship between mind and body while contemplating the heavens.
Juxtaposed with Hubbard’s words is the image, in a single long take, of a man at a computer. In from the bitter cold of a midwestern winter, the man curses and mutters at the unseen during his allotted one-hour computer session at the public library, oddly illustrative of Hubbard’s manic and spellbinding rant about this particular planet.